The internet age has given birth to a new breed of content creators — the authentic ones. These writers are bypassing traditional media outlets and using social media networks like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube to share their story. Many companies are also turning to authentic content to keep up with the growing trend. And because consumers are demanding more authenticity from the brands they love, it’s no surprise that these businesses are seeing exponential levels of success.
But what exactly makes content authentic? Well, there are technically two layers to the meaning of authentic content. The first is that you produce content that is honest, true to you, and unafraid of being vulnerable. Consumers are able to separate the genuine brands from those that aren’t. The second layer encapsulates the quality of the content. While authentic content should never feel forced, it is still important to deliver credible and meaningful content that conveys one thing (and one thing only) to your target audience: you care about what you’re creating and sharing with them.
If you want your content to be seen and remembered by more people, or if you feel like the channels of communication are too crowded for your voice to push through, these three steps will help you produce authentic content that can get you noticed and leave a lasting impact.
Keep a Pulse on What’s Happening

One of the first steps to producing content that your audience will find valuable is by staying relevant. Keeping track of what’s going on in the news and what’s trending, so that you can provide accurate insight and form an educated opinion to share with your followers.
By speaking to current events and trending topics, your content is also likely to rank higher on search engine lists where it will likely be identified as relevant and popular. This is because search engines can identify how often people are searching specific terms online, what people are interested in at any given time, and what kind of information will be valuable to an audience.
Join the Conversation

When you’re writing content, your job isn’t finished once you post the content. In fact, the process can continue for months after. For example, if people want to learn more about what they read, it is in your best interest to respond and offer additional information or point them in the direction of another useful resource. This shows them that you are not simply pushing content to gain followers, but you genuinely care about helping them.
If your content insights action (which is essentially the goal), then chances are high that people will start asking questions or posting comments as well. Respond to questions in comments with more than a “yes” or “no” and show your readers that you’re invested in the conversation. Reply to direct messages in a timely and thoughtful manner. Not only will this kind of engagement connect you with a broader audience and enhance brand awareness for your page, it can also motivate you to keep putting out quality work regularly!
Post, Post, and Post Again!

When it comes to the frequency you post, the key is to find your own groove. The more you know about your posting habits, the easier it will be to find a happy medium that is consistent but does not lose quality. For instance, if you have five blog posts written and are planning on taking time off from blogging for a month, try spreading those posts out over the entire month rather than sharing all at once. This will extend the amount of time you show up in your followers feeds instead of going off the grid and losing relevancy.
In order to get the most out of your blog or page, we recommend establishing a routine. Consistency should always be a part of your routine because it helps build anticipation in your followers for what’s next. For optimal results, you’ll want to test different days and times. But once you know what works best for your schedule, you can start to let people know when they can expect something new from you!

We can’t wait to see what awesome new content you’re come up with! Feel free to tag us in your social posts and blogs or shoot us an email at if you have any questions. Good luck and happy writing!